Mailbox Monday November 7, 2011

In November Mailbox Monday is being hosted by the person who originally began this meme - Marcia at Mailbox Monday.

Last week I received Assassin of Secrets by Q. R. Markham. From the back of the book:

Jonathan Chase, the CIA's top field agent, is sworn to protect and serve the United States at all costs. But after a brutal period of captivity during the Korean War, Chase developed an agenda of his own: to use his mastery of war to create peace.

His new target: the Zero Directorate, a cabal of rogue assassins who have embarked on a campaign to systematically interrogate and kill seasoned secret agents across the globe.

But the Directorate has set an elaborate trap, and for Chase, the world's preeminent operative, the whole mission involves and inescapable paradox: the closer he gets to the cabal, the closer the cabal gets to its primary target.


Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy your book.

Mary (Bookfan) on November 7, 2011 at 1:57 PM said...

Hope you love it!

Vicki on November 7, 2011 at 3:17 PM said...

Sounds like a page turner!!
Here’s My Link

Mystica on November 7, 2011 at 4:49 PM said...

Enjoy your books!

Staci on November 7, 2011 at 7:01 PM said...

Sounds like it could be good!! Enjoy!


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