Review: GUERNICA by Dave Boling

This novel centers on events in the Basque town of Guernica in the years leading up to WWII. The historical perspective is genuine and the characters absolutely wonderful – they resonate with authenticity. The author portrays the villagers in Guernica as people that I would liked to have known; people full of life, daring, innocence and brave.

I did not know much about the history of the Spanish civil war and reading this book motivated me to find out a lot more. It was thought-provoking and fascinating to learn about events that happened so long ago yet are very important not to forget. The tragic events that engulfed Guernica as described by the author are heartbreakingly vivid. The imagery and description of Picasso’s process of creating the painting Guernica is an interesting addition to the novel and someone I know who has seen the painting told me it is enormous and impressive. (She happily has borrowed the book).

I am pleased I had the chance to read and review this book - I might not have found it otherwise. It is an uplifting, wonderful novel by a gifted writer.



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