Review: CHRISTMAS SUCKS by Joanne Kimes

Subtitled ‘What to Do When Fruitcake, Family and Finding the Perfect Gift Make You Miserable’, Christmas Sucks is not what I expected. And though I’m not quite sure what I did expect, the result is better mostly because there’s a lot more wit couched in between the practical information than I’d anticipated. I was a bit shocked by some of the language used at first but then thought ‘alright! This is going to be entertaining!’ Shocking though they may be (well, just mildly so) the author’s statements do carry the weight of truth behind them. Featuring a blend of tips and tricks on how to behave at various Christmas parties one might be invited to (including behavior that one might engage in which would result in no invitations for the following year), what gifts to buy and not to buy, decorating, traveling and how to do the aforementioned without incurring debt rivaling a small nation’s. Also included is a section on waste management, i.e., how to minimize the impact of the holiday on the environment. The book is packed full of resources and ideas for places to get assorted items for the holidays but also practical alternatives that replace 'must-haves' in a pinch. All done with touches of humorous, snappy cynicism to keep the book from becoming as dry as it would otherwise be. The author also throws in a few websites at the end of the book as useful resources for gifts, cooking and the like, but omits to repeat the websites she referenced in the body of the text which would have been helpful. This is a fun, light-hearted look at how to make Christmas more enjoyable.

You can see other books in the 'Sucks' series on the author's website at Thanks to for the opportunity to review this book.



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